Product Guides

Someone pouring the contents of a blue jerry can into a blue steel drum against a shipping container
21 March 2023
275 view(s) 2 min read

Are steel barrel drums environmentally friendly?

Yes. When steel barrel drums have reached the end of their life cycle, they can be easily recycled as steel is a recyclable material.

Which industries use the steel barrel drums?
14 March 2023
308 view(s) 2 min read

Which industries use the steel barrel drums?

With the ability to withstand a wide range of temperatures and pressures, steel barrel drums are considered to be one of the most reliable and safe options for storing and transporting materials, such as chemicals, acids, oils, and hazardous substances.

The History Of Plastic Drums - From Whiskey Barrels to Chemical Storage
16 January 2023
268 view(s) 4 min read

The History Of Plastic Drums - From Whiskey Barrels to Chemical Storage

Originally, barrels were created from wood and metal. Their construction was perfected over the years requiring no glue or nails to build and created a reliable and leak proof liquid storage solution. This iconic wooden barrel is still used nowadays in the wine and whiskey industry.

multiple pallets of jerry cans being stacked outside by forklift
12 January 2023
6434 view(s) 2 min read

The History Of Jerry Cans - Their Crucial Role in World War II

The Jerry Can was designed in Germany in the 1930s for military use to hold 20 litres of fuel and subsequently copied by the allies during World War II. In 1937 Germans developed what was known as a Wehrmacht-Einheitskanister which meant “Armed Forces Unit Canister” and its purpose was keeping the tanks fuelled and ready at a moment’s notice.

Case study - RHS Malvern Spring Festival
25 October 2022
187 view(s) 2 min read

Case study - RHS Malvern Spring Festival

We work with some fantastic companies and organisations here at Kingfisher Direct, and today we thought we’d share the story of a recent customer whose end results blew us away. Find out more below. 
green hosepipe fitting dangling with a garden tap out of focus in the background white text on a blue background "Preparing for a hosepipe ban"
17 October 2022
200 view(s) 4 min read

How to be prepared for a hosepipe ban

Dry January is a big trend, and it does a world of good for people’s health. However, a dry March, April, May, June, July and August is no good for our environment.  After a record-breaking summer for temperatures, it seemed inevitable that we’d see a hosepipe ban put in place at some point.  The end of August saw a hosepipe ban in certain places in the UK as parts of the country were in drought. This caused several issues for people up and down the country.  Parts of the UK are still in a hosepipe ban, despite rainfall in September.
How a business can use a rainwater harvesting kit
5 October 2022
417 view(s) 4 min read

How a business can use a rainwater harvesting kit

Rainwater harvesting is steadily becoming more popular across the UK. People are more aware of their responsibilities to protect the environment, as well as the potential to save money.  Now, businesses are realising that there can be great benefits to their business and the environment by harvesting rainwater.   One question we often get asked is how a business can use a rainwater harvesting kit in their offices or warehouse.   We’ve put together a quick guide to rainwater harvesting and how you as a business can use the rainwater collected.
Rainwater Harvesting
2 August 2022
1164 view(s) 3 min read

Understanding the costs and the benefits of rainwater harvesting

Rainwater harvesting is becoming increasingly popular across the UK due to several reasons. By harvesting rainwater, you can reduce your company's water bills, but also help the environment while you are at it.

If you are thinking of starting to harvest rainwater, then you probably have a few questions.

IBC guide
27 July 2022
652 view(s) 4 min read

IBC guide 101: Understanding their history and the materials used to make them

You have probably walked past IBCs dozens of times in your day-to-day life without realising, because they are such a popular item.

Here at Kingfisher Direct, we get a bit excited about IBCs and love nothing more than spreading as much information about them as we can.

Guide to Water Bowsers
26 July 2022
512 view(s) 4 min read

A buyer's guide to water bowsers

A water bowser offers a reliable and safe option for storing and transporting water. These are often mobile objects that can be towed along by a vehicle. In situations where a natural water supply isn’t available, water bowsers provide clean water.
The most common materials used in the manufacturing of our products
20 July 2022
417 view(s) 4 min read

The most common materials used in the manufacturing of our products

You might work with a product every day but have no idea what the manufacturing process is or why they use a specific material to manufacture a product. If that is you, we are here to help you understand the different materials and what the reason for using them is.  Across our product range, certain materials are used more than others and there is always a good reason for this. Let’s look at the most common materials, their benefits and where you will find them.

Potable water
19 July 2022
4184 view(s) 3 min read

How long can you store potable drinking water for in our water tanks?

The last thing you want as you are about to take a sip of a refreshing glass of water is to see it looks a bit murky and there is a weird smell coming from the glass. Has the water gone off? Is the tank not suitable? Or did you just leave the water in the tank too long?

Let’s look at how long you should store water in a tank and how to protect the water from contamination in your water storage tank.

Unconventional uses of an IBC
12 July 2022
671 view(s) 3 min read

Unconventional uses of an IBC

An IBC, or intermediate bulk container to give it its full name, is a container that stores and transports water. Their cube design allows the user to transport more water than they would be able to in a cylindrically shaped container.
Outside of their normal use, an IBC can be used for an array of different uses. We are often flooded with examples from our customers of their creative uses for an IBC.

5 July 2022
428 view(s) 4 min read

The beginners guide to AdBlue

Making sure your car meets all the rules and regulations in place can be a challenging task. Understanding why you need to use a certain liquid or material complicates the matter even further. AdBlue is one such example.
We have done the hard work for you and put together a short explanation guide to AdBlue and why it is so important to diesel cars.

The ultimate guide to oil tank heating systems: busting the myths & weighing up the costs
28 June 2022
220 view(s) 4 min read

The ultimate guide to oil tank heating systems: busting the myths & weighing up the costs

Over four million properties in the UK aren’t connected to the gas mains. The most common solution is an oil tank heating system. Despite many perceived negatives of using an oil tank, the people using them in their property will be benefitting in several ways. If you are on the fence about using an oil tank, let us settle a few of those concerns while giving you a few things to consider.

A Guide to UN Approved Packaging
21 June 2022
922 view(s) 7 min read

A Guide to UN Approved Packaging

When storing or transporting potentially hazardous chemicals, it is important to ensure that they are safely contained. In the context of purchasing an intermediate bulk container (more commonly known as an IBC), one of the first steps towards selecting a suitable IBC for your requirements is to check whether it is UN approved. But what does that mean?