Drainage Pumps
We supply a range of drainage pumps from the world’s leading pump manufacturers including JS Pump and Nocchi. These pumps are suitable for both domestic and commercial use and are designed for clearing accumulated water that may have been the result of heavy rainfall or leaking appliances in domestic, commercial and industrial premises. Most pumps in this range are available in 110v and 230v and with a choice of manual or automatic operation.

JS Puddle Buddy Drainage Pump - 120 L/Min3-5 working days£238.75 £198.96
JS Pump JS 1500 Heavy Duty Drainage Pump - 720 L/min3-5 working days£736.51 £613.76
JS Pump JS 250 Heavy Duty Drainage Pump - 200 L/min3-5 working days£254.66 £212.22
JS Pump JS 400 Heavy Duty Drainage Pump - 240 L/min3-5 working days£325.56 £271.30
JS Pump JS 750 Heavy Duty Drainage Pump - 400 L/min3-5 working days£478.93 £399.11
JS Pump RSD-400 Residue Drainage Pump - 180 L/min3-5 working days£405.14 £337.62
Koshin Ponstar Submersible Contractor Pump - 290 L/min3-5 working days£499.21 £416.01
Pentair Drenox 160-8 Drainage Pump - 160 L/min3-5 working days£384.89 £320.74
Pentair Drenox 250-10 Drainage Pump - 250 L/min3-5 working days£463.04 £385.87
Pentair Drenox 350-12 Drainage Pump - 350 L/min3-5 working days£521.15 £434.29
Pentair Drenox 80-7 Drainage Pump - 80 L/min3-5 working days£340.03 £283.36